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Pearson-Kelly is Honored to be Named Part of Dynamic Dozen

Pearson-Kelly Technology was named to Springfield Business Journal's 2017 Dynamic Dozen. Check inside to find out more...

We are honored to have received the designation of Springfield Business Journal’s Dynamic Dozen. Thank you so much to our team members and clients who have allowed us to serve you!

Sneak Peak:

SBJ: What has been key to your recent growth?

Chelsey Bode:
We have focused very strongly on customer needs and empowering our employees to meet those needs. Really, what we focused on six years ago was taking a deep look at who we are as an organization and what we wanted our focus to actually be.

There are several other companies in town, and we also cater to the Joplin market, too, so we had to take a strong look at why someone would choose us. A couple of the things we identified at that time was that we wanted to ultimately focus on the customer’s experience outside of what we sell. There are several elements to that, but ultimately we figured if that’s our No. 1 goal, it’s pretty simple to take each variable and ask yourself if this decision points to that goal or points away from that goal.

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